The cultural and economic capital of the family and its relationship with pupils' interaction with physical and sports education
The importance of this subject is emphasized in many dimensions, as it clarifies the role in which the cultural and economic capital of the family contributes to the interaction of students with the share of physical education and sports, on the basis that the educational, cultural and economic level of parents contributes to transforming and changing the personality of children, This is done through a series of parenting processes involving the children and the staff involved in the school. The cultural and economic capital of the family are important elements that help to build the student's personality. They also play a major role in all processes. And stages of academic excellence, they are determined through some variables, such as the cultural and scientific level of the family and their economic status and social status
We have used the descriptive approche to suit the nature of the study .we have taken the random sample to suit the subject of the study.
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