Barriers and pitfalls of ISO 9000 Applications in Algerian companies analytical approach

  • Ali SADKI University of Laghouat
  • hassan MAACH University of Laghouat
Keywords: Barriers and pitfalls, ISO 9000 system, institutions.


 Total quality management is from a decade an important and useful organizational system for increasing companies' competitiveness, by optimizing processes with a particular focus on the customer. Among all the methodologies, ISO 9000 certification is one of the most common and recognized approaches for the benefits of the companies that decide to implement it. Several studies have been conducted in literature, presenting some important impacts of the ISO 9000 on the companies' performances. Due to the vast number of works, a classification of the main impacts of ISO 9000 on the principle business performances is needed. This theoretical investigation allow the authos to identify the main impacting dimensions of ISO 9000 on the performances of the algerian companies. Moreover the barriers and pitfalls for a successful ISO 9000 certification are presented, furnishing details for overcome these issues.


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