Adapted motor games and their relationship to the emotional level of people with motor disabilities

  • MOHAMED mekhanet University of Laghouat
Keywords: Adapted motor games, emotion


The study aims to learn about the relationship between the practice of adapted motor games and the emotional level of a sample of motor disabilities. The study was based on the pilot approach, the questionnaire tool and applied to 70 athletes with motor disabilities. The study also found statistically significant differences between the two samples at the level of emotional adaptation. The result was in favour of the sample of practitioners, where sport and its pros helped people with disabilities to appreciate positively their mental abilities, potential and sense of self-worth..


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How to Cite
mekhanet, M. (2018). Adapted motor games and their relationship to the emotional level of people with motor disabilities. ATTAKAMUL Journal of Social and Sports Sciences Researches, 2(1), 61-71.