The impact of a learning-style learning programme in order to develop the dimensions of athletic excellence and learn students' volleyball defensive skills

  • Ryaad amury chaalan General Directorate of Najaf Ashraf Education (Iraq)
Keywords: Learning for mastery, Dimensions of athletic excellence, Defensive skills in volleyball


The research contained the introduction and the importance of preparing an educational program in a learning style in order to be able to develop dimensions of sports excellence and learn defensive skills in volleyball for students. The priority in influencing the educational program in developing sports excellence and learning these skills for students and the most important results of the educational program in a learning style in order to be able to have a positive impact in developing dimensions of sports excellence and learning defensive skills for the research sample


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How to Cite
chaalan , R. amury. (2022). The impact of a learning-style learning programme in order to develop the dimensions of athletic excellence and learn students’ volleyball defensive skills . ATTAKAMUL Journal of Social and Sports Sciences Researches, 6(1), 304-323.