Epistemological Linguistics in the Arabic Linguistics between Methodological Presence and Contextualized Grounding

  • miloudi al khansa جامعة محمد لمين دباغين سطيف 02
  • Saoudi Nouari جامعة محمد لمين دباغين سطيف 02


This study attempts to present the status of Arab reception of Epistemological Linguistics by theorizing the most important concepts and foundations upon which this linguistic model is based. This model represents a new field of knowledge that emerged in the West and has gained widespread popularity over time. Epistemological Linguistics stands out for its unique fusion of language and knowledge. It is concerned with describing the cognitive abilities of speakers and focuses on everything that occurs in the mind of a speaker during language communication, going beyond the formal structure of language to penetrate the depths of its cognitive images. Have contemporary Arab linguists been acquainted with this achievement? Did our ancestors have knowledge of it in their writings?

Based on this, our study aims to review the concept of Epistemological Linguistics, the circumstances of its emergence, and the search for its roots in Arab-Islamic heritage. The objective is to shed light on the extent of interaction between this contemporary linguistic study and Arabic linguistic research.

How to Cite
miloudi al khansa, & Saoudi Nouari. (2023). Epistemological Linguistics in the Arabic Linguistics between Methodological Presence and Contextualized Grounding. Tadawoulyyat, 1(1), 40-52. Retrieved from http://journals.lagh-univ.dz/index.php/tad/article/view/3510