Foundations of Semantic Inquiries in fundamentalist Discourse A Reading in the Light of Modern Linguistics.

  • Tayeb Deba Univercity of Amar Telidji
Keywords: Semantic Inquiries, Foundations of Semantic Inquiries, fundamentalist Discourse, Modern Linguistic Theory.


The salient feature that captures the attention of scholars in the field of fundamentalist Discourse is its pronounced emphasis on a high degree of specificity and distinction, especially when compared to other discourses within the Arabic linguistic heritage. It distinguishes itself in the thematic scope of its linguistic topics, the purposes it serves, and the procedural tools it employs. One of the key highlights of the distinctiveness of fundamentalist scholars in their study of what they term "Semantic Inquiries" (or Word Inquiries) is its foundation on principles and frameworks grounded in a noticeable methodological background, and worthy to be studied. In this research, we endeavor to review these foundations, uncovering their aspects of specificity and distinctiveness, elucidating their significance for anyone desiring insight into the linguistic concepts and principles presented by the scholars of Usul al-Fiqh. These linguistic concepts and principles serve as the basis through which they engage with the Islamic law “Sharia” texts, aiming to comprehend their meanings and derive its rulings. As we seek to provide a meticulous examination of these foundations and their known characteristics, we have chosen to incorporate concepts from modern linguistic theory as the theoretical backdrop illuminating this analysis concerning the issues and concepts presented, as well as the approaches and analyses employed.


Author Biography

Tayeb Deba, Univercity of Amar Telidji

أستاذ اللسانيات بجامعة الأغواط


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How to Cite
Deba, T. (2023). Foundations of Semantic Inquiries in fundamentalist Discourse A Reading in the Light of Modern Linguistics. Tadawoulyyat, 1(2), 18-56. Retrieved from