Satisfaction with the specialization towards physical and sports education and its relationship with the motivation of achievement among the students of the Institute of Sciences and Technology of Physical and Sports Activities

  • MOHAMED HIZOUM University of Laghouat
  • Hachmi hanna University of Laghouat
  • HOUARI Bouchehir University of Laghouat
Keywords: satisfaction with specialization, physical and sports education, motivation of achievement, university student


The study aimed at showing the nature of the relationship between the satisfaction of specialization towards physical education, sports, and the motivation of achievement among students of physical and sports science and technology institutes. The researchers relied on a descriptive, associative approach. For the purpose of reaching the results, a questionnaire was constructed and distributed to a sample of 60 students. A positive correlation was found between the research variables. Also, there are statistically significant differences in both the level of satisfaction with specialization towards physical education and the motivation for achievement, which researchers attribute to the changes in gender and specialization.


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How to Cite
HIZOUM, M., hanna, H., & Bouchehir, H. (2021). Satisfaction with the specialization towards physical and sports education and its relationship with the motivation of achievement among the students of the Institute of Sciences and Technology of Physical and Sports Activities. ATTAKAMUL Journal of Social and Sports Sciences Researches, 5(1), 266-280.