Speech acts in the Arabic linguistic heritage

  • Khadidja Debba جامعة عمار ثليجي الأغواط


Our Arabic linguistic heritage is rich in applications in which pragmatic theories and concepts were invested, such as the phenomenon of speech acts, which were studied within the topics of semantics (Ilm Al-Màani)  - performative and declarative styles - grammarians, rhetoricians, jurisprudential scholars and exegeses. That is because the heritage in its entirety is concerned with the study of the meaning and its relationship to reality and the conditions of its production, such as the intention of the speaker, the circumstances of the addressees, different contexts. Rather, it goes beyond that to pay attention to the extent of the impact of that meaning on the addressees, and the achievement that the discourse leads to, all of which are pragmatic considerations that modern scholars have called for and are still calling for. In this research, we will discuss the concept of " acts of speech" from the point of view of pragmatists, then we try to compare it with what it corresponds with the scholars of heritage within the theory of "performative and declarative styles", through a set of applied models in heritage texts.

Author Biography

Khadidja Debba, جامعة عمار ثليجي الأغواط

Our Arabic linguistic heritage is rich in applications in which pragmatic theories and concepts were invested, such as the phenomenon of speech acts, which were studied within the topics of semantics (Ilm Al-Màani)  - performative and declarative styles - grammarians, rhetoricians, jurisprudential scholars and exegeses. That is because the heritage in its entirety is concerned with the study of the meaning and its relationship to reality and the conditions of its production, such as the intention of the speaker, the circumstances of the addressees, different contexts. Rather, it goes beyond that to pay attention to the extent of the impact of that meaning on the addressees, and the achievement that the discourse leads to, all of which are pragmatic considerations that modern scholars have called for and are still calling for. In this research, we will discuss the concept of " acts of speech" from the point of view of pragmatists, then we try to compare it with what it corresponds with the scholars of heritage within the theory of "performative and declarative styles", through a set of applied models in heritage texts.


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How to Cite
Khadidja Debba. (2023). Speech acts in the Arabic linguistic heritage. Tadawoulyyat, 1(1), 53-72. Retrieved from http://journals.lagh-univ.dz/index.php/tad/article/view/3511