The image of women in religions and across civilizations

  • Fatema MOKHTARI University of Laghouat (Algeria)
  • Zahia MOKHTARI University of Ouargla (Algeria)
Keywords: Women, Legends, Civilization, Religions, Donality, Society, History


Women have been subjected to oppression and silence in different ages and in different cultures and civilizations. Reading history and studying economic and social developments of societies, the researcher concluded that despite the different

times and regions, we find that most civilizations are a common thread, considering that the sex of the male is the dominant sex and dominant master and the subordination of the female sex to the man, socially desirable qualities that must be addressed.

Women's journey through history has also faced many difficulties, and Arab women have never had much luck. In many periods of their lives, they have been in the orbit of a man who was viewed with contempt and possessed by a society that was shrouded in chains. What are the reasons behind this self-image of women? What is the life experienced by women in these harsh conditions? Who allowed a man to rise to his masculine origin, and who allowed a woman to consider her female sex to be under the ground? How did the woman get rid of all this and what helped her to free herself from this view?

This paper will seek to shed light on the image of women in civilizations and religions in order to know the status of women and the perspectives of societies based on the historical and analytical descriptive approaches, and we will conclude the most important results of the study.


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How to Cite
MOKHTARI, F., & MOKHTARI, Z. (2020). The image of women in religions and across civilizations. Social Sciences Journal, 13(2Add2), 37-52. Retrieved from