Cognitive behavioral therapy for people with special needs deaf child model
The deaf is a group of children with special needs that are not adequately cared for by other groups such as the blind or mental retardation group. General adaptation manifests itself in many disorders, the most important of which is anxiety and depression. It is well known that social communication depends on language as it is the highway leading to the break of the unit in which the deaf live. Drawing and playing are a formative language through which they are able to express themselves and communicate their feelings, achieve their being, increase their social effectiveness, psychological compatibility and sense of value in the community, which makes them feel secure. Cognitive behavioral therapy, including drawing and playing, is one of the most important methods of venting, diagnosis and psychotherapy, it helps to know the manifestations of the disorder suffered by the deaf child and know its roots, and then treat it to restore the emotional and social balance of the individual and maintain his mental health, and thus Destructive impulses of the child such as anger, aggression, anxiety and depression turn into the motives of building it through the practice of art, modifying his behavior and becoming more effective in achieving behavioral balance and psychological compatibility
Keywords: Deaf, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, People with Special Needs.
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