Sociology of urban violence in the discourse of urban intellectual school - a theoretical approach -
This theoretical study aims to give a sociological reading of urban violence in the discourse of urban intellectual schools, which would contribute to the development of perception and awareness of the phenomenon, and from the interpretation of urban living reality.
Therefore, the study concluded, through a sociological and historical approach, to a number of results, the most important of which are: that while classical ecological theory refers to human adaptation to the environment and its impact on the production of urban violence through Robert Park's emphasis on the moral and physical organization of the city and its role in shaping urban violence, Socio-Cultural Ecology, on the Importance of the Cultural Factor (Emotions and Symbols) in the identification and direction of human behaviors, including violent behaviors, the urban culture theory, represented by Louis Wirth, links the ways of life in urban society with urban violence. Finally, Social psychosocial stress emphasizes that forms of urban organization produce different lifestyles.
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