The Social capital and his relationship to organizational conflicts an organization Case study the Sonatrach Industrial Corporation - Laghouat
For the first time, when we hear the term social capital, it appears to us how positive it is and that it is considered the cornerstone of the solidarity of individuals and groups through mutual trust and solidarity. However, we cannot overlook that it has a hidden negative side represented in creating conflicts within the organization, whether between individuals with each other. Or individuals with management, as a result of the differentiation of the individual’s social capital from others, and these conflicts lead to a defect that affects the organization’s effectiveness, and negatively affects the behavior of workers, as it leads to a lack of trust and interdependence and the emergence of a lot of hatred between them and harm to the communication system and increase Work turnover ratios, thus causing damage to the organization's efficiency and effectiveness.
In our research, we will try to bring the idea closer to our minds about the reasons that led to the decline in the directory of networks and social participation and the resulting organizational conflicts within the organization.
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