The Effect of Positive Psychology Interventions on Subjective and Psychological Well-being
The aim of this study was to explore the effectiveness of a program based on positive psychology interventions on the subjective and psychological well-being among a sample of high school students in Kuwait. The quasi-experimental study consisted of 68 male and female volunteering students aged between 15 - 17 from grade ten and eleven, divided into two groups, an experimental group 26 students, and a control group 42 student. Three scales were applied to the sample members: The life satisfaction, The positive and negative experience, and the flourishing scales. The pre-tests completed on week one of the Bareeq program and the post tests on the last week. The program was presented online. The results showed a significant difference between the pre and post-tests of the experimental sample on the prosperity and the positive and negative affect, but no significant differences found with the life satisfaction. Also, there are significant differences between the mean scores of the experimental sample in the post-test and the control group in both prosperity and positive and negative affect, but not with life satisfaction.
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