Teachers’attitudes towards teaching with cooperative learning strategy in universit

  • Nedjma BILAL University of َAlger 2 (Algeria)
Keywords: attitud, s-cooperative learning strateg, university teacher


This study aimed to know teachers’ attitudes towards teaching with cooperative learning strategy in university, and
detecting if there are differences between them depending on their gender, specialty, and experience. The sample was
consisted of 103 university teachers. The results revealed that university teachers have positive attitudes towards cooperative
learning strategy, and there are no differences between teachers’ attitudes toward cooperative learning depending on their
gender, or experience. However, there are differences between them depending on their specialty in favor of teachers in
scientific specialty.
Key words: attitude


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How to Cite
BILAL, N. (1). Teachers’attitudes towards teaching with cooperative learning strategy in universit. Social Sciences Journal, 12(2), 88-98. Retrieved from http://journals.lagh-univ.dz/index.php/ssj/article/view/2406