Challenges of social upbringing in light of the digital world

  • Laid OUAREM University of Bordj Bou Arreridj (Algeria)
  • Mohamed KERROUM University of Laghouat (Algeria)
Keywords: Approach, socialization, the child, the digital world, digital empowerment


Social upbringing is one of the most important methods and methods adopted in building the individual from his inception, as it is based on the development of various mental, physical and behavioral in general, through indoctrination and influencing the individual from a young age, to be formed according to a value and behavioral system endorsed by society, and adopted by the family and the school according to a reference derived Its values ​​are from religion as a basic source and from the norms, customs and standards upon which society has been built throughout its long history.

This sociological approach to advancing the concept of socialization on the one hand, and the digital world on the other hand, comes within the framework of the technological challenges and educational problems that occurred as a result of the digital revolution. The approach concluded with the necessity of creating “digital empowerment”, whether for families, schools or individuals, to integrate into the digital world through establishing a philosophy Socialization that is based on promoting digital citizenship.


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How to Cite
OUAREM, L., & KERROUM, M. (2022). Challenges of social upbringing in light of the digital world. Social Sciences Journal, 16(2), 16-28.