Attitudes of the citizens of Ghardaia state towards participating in the Algerian legislative elections June 12, 2021 - exploratory study
This study aims to reveal the attitudes of the citizens of the city of Ghardaia (Algeria) towards participating in the legislative elections of June 12, 2021, and the reality of this participation and the most important motives behind it. The period between 05-11 June 2021. The study relied on the descriptive approach, and the study used as a means of research the electronic questionnaire tool, which includes a set of questions directed to the study population, the data collected by the computer was processed using the statistical package (spss).
The study concluded several results, including:
- The majority of respondents have an interest in politics and political action, considering that political participation is the essence of democracy in society.
The majority of respondents believe that participation in the Algerian legislative elections, June 12, 2021, has no benefit that will return to the city of Ghardaia.
- 50% of the respondents do not trust the integrity of the Algerian legislative elections on June 12, 2021, as they consider that the elections will be affected by fraud, whose results the authority determines in advance.
- The majority of respondents expressed their eagerness to participate in the Algerian legislative elections on June 12, 2021.
- The majority of respondents expect that the participation of Ghardaia citizens in the Algerian legislative elections will be on June 12, 2021, at an average rate.
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