Linguistics and language disorders in the hearing impaired -Diagnosis and treatment-
This research paper aims to identify some linguistic branches, such as biological linguistics, neurolinguistics and psycholinguistics, and follow how they explain the various language disorders that we find in the hearing impaired, with a mention of their causes and diagnosis, and focus on the methods of treating them. These three linguistic branches were chosen, because they are among the sciences that have been concerned with the study of language, the latter being the focus of linguistic studies, and which-to this day-are trying to explain the process of its reception and production with the intervention of many sciences. Every science tries to give us an explanation according to its specialization, and it tries to benefit from the results of other sciences in interpreting and understanding language, especially in the field of diseases or language disorders.
Finally, it became clear to us that there are a number of procedures followed by specialists in order to evaluate and diagnose language disorders that take place through stages, and that the treatment process varies according to each case, and is carried out according to studied steps and regulated programs.
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