Young people's perceptions of the causes of verbal violence within the cyberspace - a field study of a sample of young users of social networking sites -
The aim of this field study is to reveal the reasons that lead to the emergence of verbal violence within the virtual space by analyzing the perceptions of users of social networking sites from Facebook, YouTube and Instagram... These sites have turned from a means to expand the circle of social relations and interaction between individuals into a space for the practice of verbal violence, And the extent of the contribution of social and legal deterrence to the spread of the phenomenon of verbal violence by using the network. The sample included 74 respondents of both sexes. We found a number of reasons contributing to this phenomenon. The more the lack of social and legal deterrence, the greater the verbal violence within the virtual space. The absence of security and family oversight results in absolute freedom through it, which contributes to the expansion of scope of this phenomenon.
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