Psychological pressures of Algerian mothers and behavioral problems of their children in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The current study aimed to reveal the nature of the relationship between age and psychological stress in mothers, And to know the differences on the change in both the function, the educational level, and the social situation we could know the differences in psychological stress in mothers. As well as knowing the differences between the genders in behavioral problems on children. The researcher relied on a basic sample of (97) mothers, with Each Mother her Son or Daughter. He Used the two Stress Scale (Levenstein, et al., 1993), Translated by the researcher, and the measure of behavioral problems (Hartani, 2014). He concluded that both the psychological stress of mothers and the behavioral problems of their children spread to a moderate degree, the lack of a fundamental statistically significant correlation between psychological stress and age in mothers. It also found statistically significant differences between low averages and high levels of psychological stress in mothers, in the degrees of behavioral problems in their children for the benefit of the heights of grades. Also because there are no statistically significant differences in the degree of psychological stress in mothers due to the change in all function, the educational level, and the social situation.
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