Investigating the Digital Literacy of EFL Teachers in Algerian Universities to Promote Blended Learning
There is no question that the world is witnessing a massive technological advancement in many domains including education. Therefore, digital literacy has become a must for EFL teachers to maintain a successful online courses and assessment. However, many Algerian EFL teachers and learners are still straggling when it comes to dealing with online platforms. A great number of EFL teachers find it difficult to teach, supervise, assess, and evaluate online. In this regard, the current study aims at highlighting the necessity of digital literacy, investigating to what extent does the lack of digital literacy represent an obstacle in effective eLearning environment, and raising teachers and learners' awareness about digital literacy. The research data comes from the literature findings on digital literacy, and questionnaire delivered to 16 EFL university teachers. The findings indicate the readiness of EFL teachers and learners to learn how to use online platforms. This study shows that digital register is of a paramount importance due to the advantages it brings. It recommends that EFL teachers and learners attend multiple online events and practice the use of online platforms to foster the use of ICT in teaching.
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