The psychological effects of the Corona pandemic in light of the attachment theory
This research paper is a psychological reading of the psychological effects of the corona pandemic on mental health in the light of attachment theory, which includes psychological study in disrupting lifelong attachment ties from a developmental perspective. Due to the difficult psychological living during the pandemic period, and what characterized it by the deterioration of relationships and the resulting emergence of individual psychological disorders (anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress) as well as social responses, including interpersonal conflicts such as violence. Which are discussed through attention to therapeutic strategies as well as the development of resilience society in the face of the corona pandemic.
We have reached a number of results, the most important of which is that the image of attachment provides the individual with a safe psychological and physical base for discovering and controlling the environment, regulating his emotions and mitigating their intensity, this is confirmed by John Bowlby attachment theory. Where basic, safe relationships play an important role on mental health at a time of sudden circumstances and crises (the corona pandemic). Any defect in the relational structure, whether on the individual or the community, leads to psychological disorders, depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, and also leads to the exacerbation of conflicts and the emergence of violence of all kinds.
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