The reflections of urbanization on the cultural identity of Algerian youth a field study on a sample of the youth of Laghouat

  • Ismail BENALIA University of laghouat (Algeria)
  • Lokmane REDDAF University of laghouat (Algeria)
Keywords: urbanization, identity, cultural identity, youth


The study aims to shed light on the urban environment in the city of Laghouat, and to know the impact of urbanization in the city on the youth category in terms of cultural identity, as well as the recognition of the customs and principles ​​that young people acquire from the urban center in Laghouat, and the extent of social interactions that earn a certain cultural identity, and on the other hand knowledge The upshot of urbanization on the tribal affiliation of young people. The descriptive approach was relied on, where a questionnaire was designed and distributed automatically to an intentional sample of young people in Laghouat. The results of the study exposed that there is a relationship between the gender of the respondents and following the fashion in dress, as most of the young people in the sample keep pace with the development that is taking place as a result of urbanization by 54.54%. Urbanization affected the tribal affiliation relatively within the city compared to the tribal affiliation within the villages or the Badia, where 55% of the respondents confirmed that the city only helps relatively to tribal affiliation, while there is a relationship between the educational level of the respondents and those who choose to participate in their projects, at a rate estimated at 54.54%.


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How to Cite
BENALIA, I., & REDDAF, L. (2022). The reflections of urbanization on the cultural identity of Algerian youth a field study on a sample of the youth of Laghouat. Social Sciences Journal, 16(2), 404-415.