Big Five Factors Of Personality Among Sibling With An Intellectual Disability And Its Relationship With Somes Variables
:This study aimed to know the level of Big Five factors of personality among
sibling with an intellectual disability, Also aim To know the differences in the level of
the five factors of the personality sibling with an intellectual disability depending on the
type of mental disability, the sex of the normal brothers, the gender of the mentally
disabled child, the age of the normal brothers, the age of mentally disabled brother.
The sample of the study consisted of 90 sibling intellectual disability from the ‘Mentally
Retarted Children Pedagogical Center’ in chlef state. The researcher used scale of TenItem Personality Inventory-(TIPI)prepared by Gosling et al (2003). The results showed
a high level of Big Five factors of personality among sibling with an intellectual
disability, as well as the absence of differences in the five major factors of personality
in sibling with an intellectual disability depending on the type of mental disability -
except the Conscientiousness-, the gender of the normal brother, the gender of the
mentally disabled, Except the Conscientiousness, and the age of the mentally
handicapped. These results were discussed in light of the characteristics of the study
sample as well as previous studies
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