Self-efficacy and immune response (retransmission)
There is no doubt that the occurrence of many of the physical illnesses is directly
linked to the emergence of the low immunity; immune system is the custodian of the
human body, whether from viruses and microbes coming from outside the body or of
cells within the body that deviate from the system such as cancer cells. Indeed, any
abnormalities in this device will lead to a certain pathological phenomena, and
immunology is still a more complex science and the most controversial and what is most
controversial is how the brain affects immunity? Scientists have noticed the effect of
different intensity and stress issues on the human body, and that they cause reactions in
the body known as the immune response, and there are several researches that assume
that the immune system can be influenced by psychological social factors. This effect on
the immune adjustment would be through the neural links, chemical, and neurological
glandular, between central nervous system and the immune system
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