The issue of repression in the latency period. A Clinical Illustration Through Projective Techniques
Talking about the latency period is probably a very rewarding and very
enriching journey of discovery.We have contented ourselves in our article to
highlight, one of the most important mechanisms in entering latency and its stakes
in the building of the personality of the person and his well being, which is
repression. The latter is the unavoidable refuge that will divert the child's
investments tolards values and social and cultural activities, all this is encouraged
by the education of the environment and the school.
Through the clinical illustration of "Marwa" a 9-year-old girl, who has been
playing mandoline for 2 years. We will discuss through projective techniquesRorschach and TAT- how a non-operative repression and the importance of
"Holding" family.
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