Coral smuggling (factors, effects, and mechanisms to combat it)

  • Rahma KERRAS University of Annaba (Algeria)
  • Feriha MOHAMED KARIM University of Annaba (Algeria)
Keywords: coral, smuggling, Combat


This present study is aiming atcloselyidentifying the subject of sumggling of coralsthis has been
possible through rhéprésentation of différent concepts of smuggling, also. The vocable of corrals,
and to highlight the main factors pushing the individual to adopt this criminal behavoir, and what
follows as different harmful consequences. Finally, this study is deoling with different ways of
combating this phenomenon, either from algerian internal perspective, or from external perspective
through Arab cooperation to eliminate partially this phenomenon


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How to Cite
KERRAS, R., & MOHAMED KARIM, F. (1). Coral smuggling (factors, effects, and mechanisms to combat it). Social Sciences Journal, 11(6), 74-87. Retrieved from