Urban development problems in the Algerian city

  • Ouahiba SAHBI University of Batna 1 (Algeria)
Keywords: development, algerian, urban


This article deals with urban development issues in general and the one tha tconcerns the Algerian
city in particular takingintoac countit's social, economic and cultural specialities tha tdifferentia
teitfrom the other societies ,and thisrequires development programs that respect the fundamentals and
the social and the cultural environment of the urban reality and all the structural problems of the
Algerian urban society.


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How to Cite
SAHBI, O. (1). Urban development problems in the Algerian city. Social Sciences Journal, 11(6), 107-121. Retrieved from http://journals.lagh-univ.dz/index.php/ssj/article/view/2647