Television programming on private Algerian channels under the 2014 legislation
Televisional programming is, actually, from the most important domain regarding those are
attending for preparing the programmes’ networks for channels in their feverish competitions to raise
the percentages of watching and augment their interests in the advertisement market, although experts
specialist in information sciences have expected that the television is coming to an end as a medium
able to do that because of the technological revolution and the international market’s requirements.
When on the other hand, the Arabic televisions, including the Algerian one, are still at the beginning
of the way especially because of it’s a new dealing with private channels. Connecting with this optic,
our study seeks defining the legislative’s basicsof televisional programming about private channels
and how they are adapted with the new media lawand the Audiovisual activity 2014 in Algeria, our
object is to find the difference characteristics, between the private channels and the old public
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