Student and violence in Algerian educational institutions, its factors and mechanisms of combating it (a field study)

  • Beloufa BELHADHRI University of Oran (Algeria)
Keywords: Violence of pupils, Algerian educational institutions


The violence of students today is a worrisome phenomenon, not only because of the
impasse in the educational establishments and their associated institutions, but in the
imminent danger that society faces today. . It is also impossible to judge the phenomenon of
student violence arbitrarily, so this field study to reveal the causes of the phenomenon of
violence among students in educational institutions in Algeria and try to find solutions to
this dilemma.


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How to Cite
BELHADHRI, B. (1). Student and violence in Algerian educational institutions, its factors and mechanisms of combating it (a field study). Social Sciences Journal, 11(5), 257-268. Retrieved from