School violence between theoretical perceptions and realistic practices: A field study on a sample of high school students in the state of Chlef
In this research, we attempt to deal with a delicate social phenomenon which our
society witnesses in the recent years. It is about the proliferation of new types of behaviours
and negative interactions in the Algerian educational institutions, especially thesecondary
schools, where the educational field has become an area of conflict between the educational
process partners. Violence is one of these behaviours which has become practiced in various
forms and trends , using all the means and ways to achieve the goal. Moreover, this
dangerous behaviour is today's language rather than the language of dialogue, thus, it
explains the dispersion of the relations that link the different members of the
schoolcommunity. Therefore, the specialists in education, the educators and the education
managers and even the Ministry of National Education are looking for methods to confront
and stop this dangerous phenomenon,particularly , as it is practiced in the educational
establishments by both students and educators. So, throughthis study, we have tried to know
the reasonsandfactors that led tothe spread ofthis phenomenon in theschools from Point of
viewofstudents.The researcher has used sometools, such as, the observationandinterview,
whichhelped usto prepare aquestionnaire thatwe madeforhigh-school students.Relying on the
results, we found outthat most ofthe respondentssawthatthe bad internalrelationsin the
institutions are consideredas one of thereasonsofthe violencespread.Also,the
resultsdemonstrated thatthe mostprevalentforms of violenceinhigh schoolsisthe violence
betweenstudentsandprofessorsespeciallyverbal one, which has become a dailypracticein our
educationalinstitutions, in addition to thephysical, moral, andmaterialviolence related tothe
destruction ofthe institutionproperties andthe property of others
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