National orientation in the struggle of Ahmed Ben Bella

  • Samiha DORI University of M'sila ( Algeria)
Keywords: Ahmed Ben Bella, the Algerian Revolution, the Maghreb liberation movements


Ahmed Ben Bella is considered one of the prominent historical figures, which played an
important role in the Algerian revolution, and in uniting the libertion movements of the Maghreb.
Additionally, he was interested in the ARAB ISSUES; one of the most important was the Palastinian
cause. He etrongly believed in such ideas. To put them one the ground, he worked hard and ma de
great efforts in the Maghreb Office andits army, and worked as well to revive the Committee for the
Liberation og the Maghreb.


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How to Cite
DORI, S. (1). National orientation in the struggle of Ahmed Ben Bella. Social Sciences Journal, 11(2), 89-100. Retrieved from