Traditional water installations and their tourism employment in Tunisia, the path of Hanaya water - from Zaghouan to Carthage as a model -

  • Fadel HANI University of Sfax (Tunisia)
Keywords: Installations, aquatic, traditional, tourist


The problem of this research allows studying the role of traditional hydraulic techniques in
the diversification of the tourist offer and the interest of cultural tourism for the conservation,
valuation of this hydraulic heritage and realization of tourism development at the economic, social
and cultural in the water circuit of Zaghouan to Carthage, which was created in the last years.
This presidential project aims to revive the historical memory of the stream of Zaghouan to
Carthage and the valuation of environmental and archaeological sites.In spite of the development
of certain areas such as the temple of the water, the creation of a national park and an urban park
in Zaghouan, the preservation of some historic monuments, the improvement infrastructure and
accessibility of some sites, the tourism promotion in this circuit is insufficient. The circuit aqueduct
is tourism of passage, in low impact on the local and regional development. The conservation of
monuments is difficult and expensive.The development of ecotourism tourism in the circuit
aqueduct requires consideration of ecological and economic dimensions and the preservation of
cultural identity and interests of local communities for sustainable tourism development. The
participation of the local populations in the valuation and development of this hydraulic heritage is


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How to Cite
HANI, F. (1). Traditional water installations and their tourism employment in Tunisia, the path of Hanaya water - from Zaghouan to Carthage as a model -. Social Sciences Journal, 11(1), 8-29. Retrieved from