The conflict of organizational values within the organization between the prevailing culture and the sub-culture and its impact on organizational behavior

  • Khaled TITRAOUI University of M'sila ( Algeria)
Keywords: Conflict, organization, culture


It is taken for granted that there are differences and conflicts between the different sociable
active members within any organization. Considering that the employee's behavior within an
organization is a result of an overwhelmed culture which is spread through the phases of his
sociable development/growth. For that , his behavior, reactions, actions, situations , and values that
he believes in ; are related to an inherited culture which can't be managed without even inside his
working place. Here , the patterns/ systems/ orders that make the organizational culture get together
through what the employee holds from beliefs , certain working values, and the working values that
are known in the association. This gathering, may start at the beginning through slight differences in
the views and ends with a conflict of the organizational values. And here , we should understand that
the disagreement and the conflict don't mean in all the case the negative impact on the
organizational behavior ; however, there are some positive sides to this conflict which brings a
benefit to the employee and the organization as well . Upon this, we will try in this essay to focus on
some data that can provide us with a closer look to understand the truth of the disagreement and the
conflict that exist between the organizational values within the organization , and its impact on the
organizational behavior.
الشك أن المنظمة التي هي عبارة عن نسق مفتوح تتفاعل مع البيئة االجتما


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How to Cite
TITRAOUI, K. (1). The conflict of organizational values within the organization between the prevailing culture and the sub-culture and its impact on organizational behavior. Social Sciences Journal, 11(1), 88-100. Retrieved from