Caricature as a media discourse distorts reality

  • Ahlem BOULKAIBAT University of Constantine 3 ( Algeria)
Keywords: Caricature, media, reality


This article discusses the caricature which is a kind of media discourse whose
expression is the cynical design. The cartoonist is a journalist and an artist at the same
time with the aim of distorting reality a deliberate manner. It is also necessary to
emphasize that the caricature as a kind has a character expression of opinion.
This is why the caricature is little used by the Arab press and the Algerian press in
particular, especially when addressing political issues.
Leaders of Arab countries show less tolerance towards the media whose ironic
expression is the content of discourse. On the other hand, in democratic countries
cartoonists enjoy a greater margin of freedom of expression, which explains the
development of this kind of media discourse.


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How to Cite
BOULKAIBAT, A. (1). Caricature as a media discourse distorts reality. Social Sciences Journal, 10(6), 154-165. Retrieved from