The impact of wars on the spread of drugs in the Arab world

  • Abderrahmane MOHAMED HASSANE Bakht Al-Ruda University (Sudan)
Keywords: Wars, drugs, the Arab world


The Principal of This study handle The impact of war on the spread of drugs in the
Arab world, and aims to determine the effect of war on the spread of drugs in the Arab
world , and its impact on social security for communities .
The study indicated and came to many different results that wars have a significant
impact on the spread of drugs in the Arab region , which had a physical and
psychological effects of the loss of the security and safety of citizens and others.
Accordingly, the study recommended the need to the attention of the warring
sides in the Arab world and its Country to the health and security of citizens that is
affected by the spread of the drug .


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How to Cite
MOHAMED HASSANE, A. (1). The impact of wars on the spread of drugs in the Arab world. Social Sciences Journal, 9(5), 31-45. Retrieved from