Value media theorizing: opportunities and challenges
This presentation deals with the factors linking the development of value media theorizing by relying on the texts that established or brought about a quantum leap in the field, starting with a conscious reading of the tools of the other through our book "Contemporary Social Thought and the Communication Media Phenomenon: Some Civilizational Dimensions" to a renewed human value view of the concepts of freedom of expression and freedom Press and the relationship of that freedom to slander, defamation, individual privacy and intellectual property through our recent book "Media Laws in Light of Social Media: Cognitive Reading in Light of the Ethical System." The introduction of the theory of value inevitability in the Western media academic literature is also discussed within the big ideas of the twentieth century and the comment of Dr. Clifford Christense, a pioneer in the field of ethical communication, on one of the theory's writings. This text reviews the opportunities offered by theory in teaching, research, and media practice, including the proposal to establish an “international” academic center for the study of values in social reality in order to monitor and track the practice of values over time in the Arab and Islamic region, and to use that in the field of formulating “new” cultural strategies. The intervention addresses the challenges facing theory in the areas of dealing with emerging concepts and diversifying applied studies in the field, in addition to persuading the "skeptical" and "hesitant" and even the "rejector" (if possible) to break into this field by virtue of its novelty and the change or epistemological shock that It requires it from its owner, as any new perspective is usually met with “rejection” by some, according to his saying, “He who is ignorant of something other than him.” Then, soon, the unknown turns into the desired in a defensive year that was the basis for various cognitive and scientific discoveries in ancient and contemporary places and times. And as the American philosopher "Santayana" mentioned when he wanted to understand "phenomenology" as a new approach to thinking and research, he said, "He did not understand phenomenology until he became a phenomenologist." Included among these challenges is the transfer of the foundations and concepts of value media theorizing to the other through joint studies in more than one language, whether in the Western or Asian environment, where the higher the value, the more global human character it takes as stated in the assumptions of the theory of value inevitability in the media.
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