Media ethics from a value perspective
Concepts are the cornerstone of every theoretical and cognitive construct, as abstract expressions that reflect field observations and beautify their vocabulary. And if we look at it in its systematic form, it enables us to formulate an integrated theoretical structure that directs the researcher to understand and interpret phenomena and predict them. There is no doubt that these concepts are human creativity based on field data that have their own cultural and cognitive specificities, and therefore what applies to an environment may not suit the privacy Another environment, especially when it comes to the Arab and Islamic environment and what is related to its value and civilization system. Many fields of knowledge in the humanities and social sciences - with the discrepancy recorded between one field of knowledge and another - suffer from a state of "dependence" on what Western thought produces in general, which puts our societies in a state of An epistemological and methodological “dependence” that distances us from our cultural heritage, and thus makes the benefit limited and does not meet the existing needs and does not address the problems raised and does not raise the lived reality to its desired levels. Compared with other social sciences and other humanities. Researchers in the field of media and communication sciences often use many Western concepts, which may cast a shadow over the credibility of his expression of our communicative reality in the Arab and Islamic cultural context. Perhaps among the models in which the discrepancy is evident between the various cultural references, we find the ethical issue, which raises many problems, whether it is related to the general context of the subject, or through its connection to a specific cognitive context, which is represented in our research within the media and communication sciences. The importance of reviewing points of divergence in cultural references is evident in the following points: A- Building media practice on a solid base that elevates media practice in our social context and preserves it from potential ethical deviations. b- Endeavoring to develop tools and means through which media work is regulated in an appropriate manner. C- Benefiting from values and activating them in the reality of media work in its various developments.
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