The social network and its implications for the values of Algerian youth

  • Sofiane SACI University of Taref (Algeria)
Keywords: Communication network, youth values, ideas


The emergence of social networking sites provided a "historic breakthrough" that moved communication methods to unprecedented horizons and gave its users great opportunities to influence and move across borders without censorship except in a relatively limited way, and a warning to the competition of traditional means of communication. Arab youth initially used social networking sites to chat and unload their emotional charges, but it seems that a wave of maturity has taken place, and they are now exchanging views, in order to demand an improvement in their political, social and economic conditions. In Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, and Jordan, these anti-policy ideas spread easily through social networks in Arab countries.


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How to Cite
SACI, S. (1). The social network and its implications for the values of Algerian youth. Social Sciences Journal, 8(1Special), 217-236. Retrieved from