Curriculum question in philosophy between unity and pluralism

  • Cherif ZEROUKHI University of setif2 (Algeria)
Keywords: Curriculum, philosophy, compound, criticism, against curriculum


The article aims to try to demystify the question of the curriculum in philosophy and trace its paths in history and how philosophers dealt with it, beginning with Greek philosophy through modern and contemporary philosophy, through some models that worked on this question between establishing the unity of the curriculum with Descartes, Bacon and Husserl and calling for a plurality of approaches. With Bashlar and Popper, and between the call to establish a composite curriculum in light of the curricula with Edgar Moran, and between thinking against the curriculum with Firappend

The results of the study showed that the level of future anxiety among a sample of Bouira University students is high, and that their level of mental health is average, and that the correlation positive and statistically significant between future anxiety and their mental health.


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How to Cite
ZEROUKHI, C. (2023). Curriculum question in philosophy between unity and pluralism. Social Sciences Journal, 17(1), 50-62.