Language and the issue of world representation according to Wittgenstein philosophy
The subject of language in contemporary analytical philosophy has been of great importance, finding that since the twentieth century, language has been at the forefront of philosophy and has been given broad attention by researchers because of its in-depth discussions. In this context, this article aims to identify the issue of world representation through language in the Wittgenstein philosophy.
Wittgenstein considered logical analysis of language to be the focus of philosophical research, whether in his first work “tractatus logical philosophical”, in which he addressed the symmetry between language and reality, so that language has a single function of drawing reality only, and below that, we face it with silence. His second work “philosophical research” investigates the multiple uses of language, in which language has many contents and meanings through its various uses imposed by diversity in what he refers to as language games. From our interactions with others and the world, language function becomes broader and enters into the existential project of Humans, and thus the logic of language becomes multiple in the late philosophy of Wittgenstein. In the end, we conclude that language comes from, and comes back to, the human act by inducing Man to engage in the historical process of philosophical discourse and to actively share his achievements in various areas, which is the underlying idea of proponents of the pragmatic presentation of language.
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