Sources of risk-taking behavior and its relationship to decision-making mechanisms among university administrators - A field study at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi Ouzou State

  • Hamza ELAHCENE University of Tizi ouezou(Algeria)
  • Farouk TEBAA University of setif2 (Algeria)
Keywords: sources, risk behavior, decision-making mechanisms, university administrators


This study dealt with the nature of the sources of risk-taking behavior among a sample of administrators of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Mouloud Mammeri, Tizi Ouzou State, with the identification of the mechanisms adopted by them in professional decision-making and taking, in addition to revealing the nature of the relationship between these sources and the mechanisms of decision making for these administrators. To achieve the objectives of the study, we used the descriptive analytical method. This study was applied to a sample of (45) administrative staff, who were chosen randomly from administrators of this college, the number of administrators was (96). After statistical treatment, the study reached the following results:

- The position and type of work are the most important sources of risk-taking behavior among the members of the sample of this study.

 Reviewing data and similar previous cases are one of the most important decision-making mechanisms for the members of this study sample.

- There is a statistically significant correlation between the sources of risk-taking behavior and decision-making mechanisms among the administrators of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Mouloud Maamari University, Tizi Ouzou State.


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How to Cite
ELAHCENE, H., & TEBAA, F. (2023). Sources of risk-taking behavior and its relationship to decision-making mechanisms among university administrators - A field study at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi Ouzou State. Social Sciences Journal, 17(1), 298-317.