The efforts of Imam Muhammad al-Bashir al-Ibrahimi in preserving the national identity through his published works

  • Fouad ATALLAH University of Constantine 3 ( Algeria)
Keywords: Reform movement, Algeria, the revolution


The Algerian reform movement had a prominent role in preserving the national identity. It included a number of scholars in the Islamic world, including Imam Muhammad al-Bashir al-Ibrahimi, who harnessed the tongue and the pen, great deeds and achievements aimed at serving Islam, Arabia and Algeria. He contributed to preserving Islam, its mosques and endowments, preserving Arabic, its education and schools, and preserving Algeria, its people and its unity. He contributed to inciting the Algerian nation to revolt against colonialism and to defeat and expel him from Algeria.


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How to Cite
ATALLAH, F. (1). The efforts of Imam Muhammad al-Bashir al-Ibrahimi in preserving the national identity through his published works. Social Sciences Journal, 6(1), 82-108. Retrieved from