Studying the role of mathematics in developing scientific thinking among middle school students

  • Hocine KERSACE University of Skikda ( Algeria)
  • Abdelhamid CHEHAM University of M'sila ( Algeria)
Keywords: Role, mathematics, scientific thinking


Through our study, we are trying to investigate the role of mathematics in developing scientific thinking among middle school students with the aim of revealing the relationship between the results of achievement in mathematics and the results on a scale of scientific thinking. The general question of the study is as follows: - What is the nature of the relationship between academic achievement in a subject? Mathematics and the development of scientific thinking among second year middle school students? - And what are its dimensions?


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How to Cite
KERSACE, H., & CHEHAM, A. (1). Studying the role of mathematics in developing scientific thinking among middle school students. Social Sciences Journal, 5(2), 47-58. Retrieved from