The impact of television on children's culture in light of globalization

  • Zineddine DIAF University of M'sila ( Algeria)
Keywords: Globalization, television, child culture


Through this research, we aim to reach the results of television influences on the culture of the child in the shadow of globalization, where we find that the media directed to children provides it with all the conditions and multiple competencies to contribute to education, education, entertainment, and entertainment. Separating it from the global variables that the world is witnessing, and in light of the revolution in communication technologies and what our reality is witnessing today in terms of the increasing role played by the media, especially television, in spreading culture, so that this effective medium contributes greatly to shaping the culture of a generation.


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How to Cite
DIAF, Z. (1). The impact of television on children’s culture in light of globalization. Social Sciences Journal, 2(2), 75-81. Retrieved from