Cultural identity and the clash of civilizations in light of the technological revolution

  • Mohamed KARECH University of Batna ( Algeria)
Keywords: Civilizations, cultural identity, technological revolution


Confronting the regional and international challenges in light of the modern technological revolution, especially after the end of the Cold War, and the establishment of a new world order, which is now presenting its theses within the context of globalization. Thinkers and scholars are worried. That is why many societies witnessed open discussions and dialogues with the aim of reaching realistic and effective solutions that protect national identity and open up to the other within the framework of what is called cultural communication, without reaching a level that turns the discussions into a clash, so that the rising generations can enter the civilization of the era. They are safer, more effective and more authentic after devising strategies to defend society's values and identity, and how to deal positively with modern technology, information and communication technology in light of the information explosion, and an attempt to reduce the knowledge gap between the North and the South.


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How to Cite
KARECH, M. (1). Cultural identity and the clash of civilizations in light of the technological revolution. Social Sciences Journal, 7(1), 98-111. Retrieved from