The drug phenomenon in Algerian studies: a review of emerging issues and future directions
This study aims to examine the intellectual production in the field of drog phenomenon and its coverage from all research aspects in order to come up with recommendations for future research directions. Using the bibliometric approach, the study targeted all scientific articles that dealt with the phenomenon of drugs as a main topic and published at the level of the Algerian portal for scientific journals, numbering 220 articles published during the period 1995-2020. The study reached several results, the most important of which are: that the Arabic language is the first language of authorship, as 95 percent of the articles were in Arabic, with a weak percentage in French and English, with no other languages. The main topic of the scientific articles that dealt with the drug phenomenon is the definition of the phenomenon, its risks, and the mechanisms of combating and preventing it, while the topics that diagnose the causes of the phenomenon in view of the various social systems occupied the second place. This research paper provides a roadmap for future research in the field of drug abuse and opens the way for more research efforts on the topic.
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