Efforts of Nongovernmental Organizations in Early Discovery of Breast Cancer Among Women
The purpose of the study is to determine the efforts of nongovernmental organizations in early discovery of breast cancer among women in Gaza Strip. The sample of the study consisted of 164 women who have confirmed diagnosis of breast cancer. The results showed that the efforts of the organizations in early discovery of breast cancer was at moderate level (mean 2.72). barriers related to the organization were at moderate level (mean 1.98), barriers related to teamwork were at moderate level (mean 1.91), barriers related to women were at moderate level (mean 2.01), and barriers related to the community were at moderate level (mean 2.09). The results also indicated that there were statistically significant differences at 0.05 in efforts of early discovery of breast cancer related to marital status, while there were statistically no significant differences related to age, level of education, and type of provided services
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