Demographic determinates of the Cesarienne in Algeria using binary logistic regression based on MICS4

  • Amar TOABA University of Ouargla (Algeria)
Keywords: Caesarean birth, normal birth, demographic determinants, binary logistic regression


The study aimed to try to reveal the most important demographic determinants that explain the prevalence of caesarean section among mothers in Algeria based on the data of the survey (MICS4) completed in 2012, based on the statistical method of binary logistic regression analysis. After the statistical analysis, it was found that the probability of the mother having a caesarean section is affected by several demographic variables, namely: the age of the mother, the weight of the newborn, the educational level of the mothers, the number of children who died, the total number of children born to the mother, the family wealth index, and the birthplace of the newborn. And it was proven that no other group of demographic variables affected the type of birth, and this is what we will try to clarify in this research.


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How to Cite
TOABA, A. (2023). Demographic determinates of the Cesarienne in Algeria using binary logistic regression based on MICS4. Social Sciences Journal, 17(2), 223-233.