Child health coverage and demographic dividend from independence to 2017 in Algeria
School health is one of the pillars of preventive medicine in the school community at the level of the provinces of Algeria. It is a key element for the promotion of health in its various aspects among the "primary stage" students. This prevention policy mainly aims to provide the appropriate conditions for preparing a student who is physically sound and free of mental illness to prepare him for a social environment. And health diseases "fighting mobile epidemics such as tuberculosis, typhoid and meningitis." Because the country’s future can only be built with the help of its healthy children, the aim of this study is to know the extent to which the Algerian state controls mobile diseases among children and the application of the school health policy in its various aspects. Abstract: The Algerian state was able to satisfactorily maintain the health of the child in his early years, which contributed to increasing his life hope and, consequently, the existence of a demographic dividend that contributes to the economic development of the country.
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