Towards alternative development policies: Tourism industry and its economic position in our contemporary world

  • Belkacem BENDIFALLAH National Higher School of Political Sciences in Algiers (Algeria)
Keywords: tourism, tourism industry, tourism development, tourism marketing


Tourism Plays , as effective investing activities and renewed services, a great core role in developing the economies of several countries in our contemporary world; several countries that its economy relies immensely on fund resources which tourism sector provides to manage its general business and respond to daily necessities of citizens, just as ;Tunisia, Egypt ,Lebanon, Spain and Island nations situated in Caribbean sea and others; therefore, they are working constantly relentlessly on improving tourism policies by advancing its infrastructures and praising its local traditional as well non-traditional industries; moreover, ameliorate the services quality which are presented to tourists .In addition, taking up the most updated “tourism industry” strategies to escort the progresses which are renewed in rival international level of market. The considerable position of “tourism industry” with its varied contents after the First and Second World War on modern industries scale, due to security, political and economic development occurred on international stage, so that “Tourism Sector” has transferred, in numerous countries, from its ordinary traditional position into vital strategic class of sectors which come to play a great role in developing and promoting the nation in more than one rank.


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How to Cite
BENDIFALLAH, B. (2023). Towards alternative development policies: Tourism industry and its economic position in our contemporary world. Social Sciences Journal, 17(2), 256-275.